UNC v3 is from the same series as UNC v1, UNC v2, and UNC R, but is slightly modified to perform best on bare metal. Perfect for exhaust tips, bate metal wheels (polished aluminum, chrome, steel, etc.) chrome, nickel, brass, copper or any other bare metal trim or anything else that is made from bare metal. This product will stop bare steel from rusting, aluminum from oxidizing, and will make these surfaces incredibly easy to clean! Same as the other UNC range products, UNC v3 is permanent and can be removed only with heavy abrasion. For Maximum durability we recommend to apply it in 2 layers – leave at least 12h between the layers. Perfectly suited for the professional, but a skilled DIY enthusiast will be able to handle this, once familiar with the application instructions. Available only from Max Protect and authorized distributors.
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