Silk Coat was originally developed as a protective layer for UNC v1 and UNC v2 while they are curing, in case you had to drive the car in rain straight after the application. But after prolonged testing we found that the extra slickness and hydrophobic properties this product added were so impressive, we decided to recommend Silk Coat as part of the coating application. Apply it straight after UNC v1 or UNC v2, or for maximum results, apply it 12 hours after the coating application. Silk Coat adds incredible smooth feel to the surface, improves hydrophobic properties and adds an extra depth and shine to the finish and has anti-static properties. Silk Coat is the only product you will ever need to maintain the UNC Range coatings! We recommend applying Silk Coat every 4-6 months on top of Ultimate Nano Coat v1 or Ultimate Nano Coat v2, or use it as often as you like – impossible to mess things up with this product. Very easy and quick application.
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